----i liked books, so i thought, hey, you could WRITE the books! so i then wanted to be a writer. genius!! pretty much all the signs were saying that i shouldn't pursue it, but i disregarded them, thinking that i could be really great! after all, i thought i could do it, and so i figured i would make it big! then i went to school. i did alright in english classes, but not as good as my friends. i thought my papers were well written, but they only received a B grade.. i knew that wouldn't cut it. so i kinda forgot about my dream to become a writer. (and now i just laugh about that. i can't even keep a blog, let alone write things! goodness, rae.. )
----but i longed to create things, and was taking piano lessons. my teacher said that i had a natural gift, or something. so i assumed that i was some sort of prodigy! then i wanted to be a concert pianist. i wanted to play in front of millions of people. even the queen- we would be wonderful friends. but when i realized that i would have to practice a bunch, i slaughtered that dream.. so an artist was next on my list.
----i enjoyed drawing. but my sister was better, and everyone knew it. since no one ever recognized "my wonderful skill," i gave up. who needs to be an artist! not me. i would just draw on the side, and not have it as a career.
----then, this wild idea came into my brain, i'v been told that i fall gracefully.. i know! i'll be a stunt double! What?! yeah. i practiced falling, tumbling, rolling around, everything. i got pretty good. for a 9 year old. I would hear my friends talking about what they wanted to be. doctor, orthodontist, baker, musician, all these "normal" jobs.
----so i decided to change. architect! yep. i still had the burning desire to create! but i wanted to make buildings, and design structures. it was like an artist, but more.. professional. yes, that's the word. professional. plus, i sounded awesome saying it. i wanted to be an architect for MANY years. until junior high. when i realized that 1. i didn't like math enough, and 2. girls don't usually do that kinda stuff.. stupid sexist comments.
----but i thought about psychology, and that's what i'm going for! still. i've never wanted to be a counselor, but i would much rather do research and work on people's brains. not so much a neurosurgeon, but a neuropsychologist. and i really hope that doesn't change, even though it's going to be tough. it'll take a lot of years, money, and patience. let's hope i can do it! if not, i think i would settle for a family.
----sometimes we need more than a desire to do something, but finding the motivation is.. almost impossible for me. all i know is:
well done is so much better than well said.
and i plan on getting a gold star after all of this schooling is done!