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music says a lot about a person..

I think the music we listens to says a lot about who we are. This is my music, iPod on random, first ten songs. 
Here goes nothing.

1- Iris- Goo Goo Dolls. Oh man, i love this song. it makes me very happy, and very sad. it's one of those songs that can just make me emotional if i feel like it.
2- What If- Jason Derulo. Not a huge Jason Derulo fan, but what i have, i typically like. i have to be in the mood for this one. i wouldn't really call it rap. look it up you've never heard it. actually, here.
3- LA LA LA- Auburn. I feel like a punk when i listen to this song, but it also makes me happy. i don't know why not many people have heard it..
4- The Boys are Back- Zac Efron & Corbin Bleu. Gotta love High School Musical! i like this song, it reminds me of my good friend, Michelle. i don't know why. She has a blog! check her blog out!
5- 22- Lily Allen. Such a pretty voice. good song. sometimes i listen to it 20 times in a row. just cuz i like doing that sorta thing.
6- What About Now- Lonestar. Country. i love country. i love this song. ah, such a good one. makes me want to run away with my best friend..
7- Vanilla Twilight- Owl City. Why the heck do i have this song? i actually hate it. a lot. i think i'm gonna get rid of it. right now. (sorry to all you who love this song. i think it's garbage..)
8- Fields of Gold- Matthew Jackson. Not familiar with the artist? well, he was in my home ward, and i love his voice. so i have his music. here, take a look. but this songs is sad, but it makes me happy.
9- So Happy Together- Herman's Hermits. this song reminds me of a boy. and how we are happy together, and how i feel about him. if you can relate, you know what i'm talking about.
10- I Feel Bad- Rascal Flats. Once, i listened to rascal flats all day. for four days. at least. they can really emote what they are thinking, and i like being able to relate to something.

So that pretty much shows that i love all types of music. Although some of the cool ones aren't on there. Have you heard this song? I love it. i don't know why. maybe cuz it's good! same with this one :)
one day, i'll blog about my favorite songs. but for now, this will have to do.
happy monday. seriously. 

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