more to look at!


the head.

i love my sister Heather. I give her grief and change her profile picture and stuff, but i love her. i may not act like it, but i love her.
maybe i'm just jealous because she never had to go thru the awkward stages that i had to go thru, since i was the first girl, i got to figure out how bad everything i wore looked. my mom believed in letting us experiment and learn for ourselves what we liked.. thanks mom. but with Heather, she has two older sisters that let her know if her outfit looks awful. then again, biker shorts aren't really in anymore, so it's not too often that we have to make her change to go out into public..
plus, Riss  and i are pretty close in age, so we kind of gang up on her and torment her. it's out of love. honest. i appreciate her putting up with us, and loving us all the same when the day is done.

you're fantastic, heather. thanks fro being the sister that you are. i can't wait until we all mature and can hang out without teasing you. forgive me for all the grief i/we have caused you, but you should expect more. it's who i am.i hope you have a good day. i love you.

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