more to look at!


fate, destiny, and miracles.

>> i believe in fate and destiny. and especially in miracles. <<
>> i am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. whether it be good, bad, happy, unexpected, etc, it happen for a reason. i know that God has everything under control, and if we just put our faith in Him and trust His perfect judgement and timing, then everything will work out in the best, most desirable way possible.
so if things are going tough, be grateful that God loves you enough to let you have this trial. if He didn't love you, your life would be absolutely perfect, and boring. there would be no progression without a hard time here and there.
>> trials are just a manifestation of God's love. i know that for a fact. even though they are hard, you aren't alone, and you will be so much stronger afterwards. especially if you ask God for help and comfort.
>> i think we all have a place that God wants us to be. the reason you are where you are is because that is where you are supposed to be. you will meet people, learn things about yourself, or gain a new perspective from where you are. even if you happen to be in a rut.
>> although we have free agency, i think that God knows us so perfectly that no matter what we choose to do, it can help us. some choices might be beneficial immediately, and others may lead to trials that will benefit you in the future. either way, you'll get something out of your choice.

>> miracles. i know you will see miracles if you are doing what you need to be doing. when you start seeing other people as God's children, you will see miracles. they may not be HUGE miracles, but they don't have to be. i see miracles all the time. i hear about miracles. life is a miracle. with all the complications out there, the fact that we are alive and healthy is a miracle. sometimes, i feel that it is a miracle that i passed a test.

>> i think miracles are a reminder of God's infinite love for me. and for you. the closer we are to God's will, the more miracles we can witness. how wonderful! :)

>> i don't know if any of this makes sense. i am just letting my brain talk for a minute. way too much information processing up there right now. i guess i'll step down from my soapbox.

>> feel free to add anything to this. it could very well be incomplete. <<




Now, it's different. The whole word itself. It has lost a lot of its sacredness. People go around, admitting they are in love, when they don't act like it.
To me, love is a very powerful word. I will not tell someone that i love them, unless i mean it 10000%. no matter what. There's no fooling around with people's hearts. That's just rude.
To me, love is:

-- caring more about him than yourself.
-- supporting him no matter what
-- cherishing every moment together
-- letting him put his priorities first
-- only speaking kind words about him and to him.
-- being willing to do anything for him
-- wanting, and doing everything you can to keep him happy
-- being his best friend, confidant, support, safe haven, & partner in crime :)
-- not wanting anyone else.

Saying 'i love you' to a person is kinda a big deal. it has been since.. forever. and i think that it should be treated like that. 
it is not easy for me to tell a boy that i love them. it takes me a long time to tell them, mainly because when i fall, i fall FAST, and i don't wanna scare them.. but i have been in love twice in my life. i have been in more than two relationships. the other boys that i dated were great. i enjoyed being with them, they made me happy, i cared about them.
but there was a defining moment when i realized that i was in love. it wasn't that puppy love that kids experience in jr. high. i was in love. willing to do anything for the other person, super happy. cloud nine. serendipitous. head-over-heels. euphoric. whatever.
but sometimes, things happen. people grow apart, and they fall out of love.. which is sad. this has only happened once to me. but even though i am not dating the other guy that i fell in love with, i still care about him. i want him to be happy. i don't think i would feel like that if i hadn't once loved him.

but that's another story. for another time.

i found this quote. it really made me think. I really like it.

You say that you love rain,
but you open your umbrella when it rains.
You say that you love the sun,
but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.
You say that you love the wind, 
but you close your windows when the wind blows.
This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too.
-William Shakespeare

so many people go off and tell someone that they love them. but they don't put in the time. and possibly don't even care that much. But maybe love means something different for me than it does for you.


stay classy