more to look at!


tag! i'm it.

there's this thing going around. i'm supposed to do some stuff, answer some questions, and tag other people. yep, you guessed it. i was tagged. who was i tagged by? well, it was riss. so i'm going to do this, just because i can. and because i really have nothing better to do!
*post these rules:
*post a photo and eleven random things about yourself
*answer the questions that were provided by the person who tagged you
*create eleven new question for the people you tag
*contact those you tag and let them know they've been tagged.

oh.. is the picture supposed to be of me?? this is heather :)

1. i sleep with my teddy bear, Raider, every single night.
2. i enjoy drinking hot chocolate in the summer. i don't know why. it's pretty delicious in the winter as well.
3. i hate shaving my legs. i hate it. so... i rarely do it. i'm a HUGE fan of long socks. perhaps that is why me and soccer get along so well :)
4. i have never broken a bone, pierced my ears, gotten a cavity, been stung by a bee, or been pulled over. but on the down side, i can't roll my tongue 
5. sunflowers are my absolute favorite flower. nothing is prettier than a field of blooming sunflowers. or a field of white wheat. but that's another story.
6. i like eating lemons. i think they are delicious, even though they aren't really good for the enamel on the teeth 
7. when i was younger, i wanted to either be a librarian, and architect, or a stunt double.
8. any guy that can spell correctly and use proper grammar, is about 100 times more attractive than a guy who can't
9. i have a thing for redheads :)
10. a dessert with coconut on it is completely ruined
11. i'm actually REALLY competitive. i come off pretty shy to most people, but when i compete against them in a game..i'm a whole new person. a good person.. just unexpected

1. if you could date any superstar, who would it be? why?
uhhhhhhh.. all of the superstars that i would be interested in are kinda a lot older than i am. and they are all conceited and ridiculous. but i really like  John Krasinski. ah. especially his character Jim Halpert. from the Office. pretty much fell for him. so funny, so sweet. yeah.. i would definitely go on a date with Jim Halpert.. i mean, John Krasinski.
2. what's your most embarrassing moment?
ever since i've been born, i've embarrassed myself a lot. i have so many, but you only asked for one. this one  probably isn't my most embarrassing one, but it's the first one that comes to mind. it happened in.. 4th grade? maybe 3rd? i can't remember the exact date. But i was sitting in computer class, and this class was just an hour long, so we would have to walk back to our class after. anyways, i was sitting there, and i had a GENIUS idea! 'it would be way fun to tie your shoelaces together!' so i did. about five minutes after doing that, we had to get up and go to our homeroom class. my laces wouldn't come undone! shoot.. so i hobbled to the line. we got the the main hall, and what do you know? all of the other classes were changing rooms as well! great..i was near the front and holding up the line, so i let everyone pass. then, i trip. everyone looks at me, laughs, and i get up, almost in tears, and hobble to the back. we got to the classroom and i took my shoes off. haven't done that since.. yep.. moving on.
3.who's your hero? why?
it's hard for me to say just one person, because there are so many people in my life who have influenced me for the better. i may not think they are my hero, but their actions were heroic, and i admire them. My father is definitely a hero to me. we are so close, and that is a blessing in my life. he doesn't get angry, and helps around the house with a good attitude. i hope to marry a guy life my dad. My mother is so selfless. she knows what's best for me, and cares so much. Jeff, my older brother knows how to talk to people about the gospel. he showed it while we went to Peru. i wanna be able to do that as well as he can. Riss, is someone i look up to for many reasons. she knows how to deal with people. she's so helpful and witty and great. My other siblings are great as well. Kelton is someone i look up to a bunch. he's so dedicated, and does things, even though it may be difficult. i just love him for that. Yeah, i have MANY heroes. i seriously could take days writing this answer out, but then people would get bored reading.. so i'll stop..
4.what's your biggest accomplishment so far?
um.. probably staying active in the church. i have heard that it's pretty easy to fall away..
5.what made you smile today?
A single thought if a boy. Cliche, i know.
6. if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? why?
i am very comfortable in my body. i know i have acne, and all that fun stuff, but it kinda makes me who i am, so i don't mind it all too much. and i am very thankful for my vision, but i have always wanted glasses. so bad. i love them. people say that i won't love them once i get them, but i wear fake ones around.. ah, i wish i could have some. also, i'm trying to grow out my hair. i would like that to be longer. one day, i'll have glasses and long hair. even if i'm 80.
7.what inspires you?
playing the piano, reading church magazines/books, the internet can be inspiring. some people have super good ideas. i don't know. i don't think i'm inspired easily. never really thought about it
8.what is your favorite place to go to think?
i love sitting in a car. but pretty much anywhere that i am alone, or with someone i can think out loud to, i enjoy thinking. i also love thinking while i am looking up at the night sky. but i would have to say a car.
9. who's the person you are most comfortable talking to? why?
oh man. this one is tough. it depends what i am talking about. i am pretty close to my mom and dad, as well as my older brother, Jeff. We talk all the time, which i love. But i spend a lot of time talking to Riss, so she's up there, too. i can tell anything to Heavenly Father, and i'm WAY comfortable talking to Him, but He doesn't count right now :) Kelton, ah. i can tell him ANYTHING. i've been comfortable talking to him since the day we met. so if i couldn't answer someone in my family, it would be Elder Abbott :)
10. what's your favorite thing to wear?
long socks, boy's boxer shorts, and a hoodie. definitely. it gives me a perfect balance of chill and warmth. i also really love wearing white v-neck t shirts. i would wear those more often if i didn't stain all of them.. oops. 
11. if today was you last day to live, and you could do anything regardless of expense, what would you do?
i would travel home so i could be with my family. that's all. i wanna die with those that i love all around. i'd just want my mom and dad to hold me. i think i would write a letter to Elder Abbott, but not send it off immediately- don't wanna distract him!

ok.. i don't have many blogging friends.. BUT. i guess i tag:
if you haven't already done this, feel free to do it, it's actually pretty entertaining!

these questions you must now answer:
1. what is something that you are absolutely addicted to?
2. what is one thing that you are looking forward to? why?
3. what was the best/worst date you've ever been on?
4. how would you change the world?
5. what's one talent you wish you had better developed?
6. what do you do with your friends?
7. do you believe in love at first sight? why?
8. who (not of your family) do you admire? why?
9. what are 3 of your pet peeves?
10. what's one thing that no one knows you can do? (for instance, i crochet)
11. where do you want to visit before you die?
thanks for stopping by!


music says a lot about a person..

I think the music we listens to says a lot about who we are. This is my music, iPod on random, first ten songs. 
Here goes nothing.

1- Iris- Goo Goo Dolls. Oh man, i love this song. it makes me very happy, and very sad. it's one of those songs that can just make me emotional if i feel like it.
2- What If- Jason Derulo. Not a huge Jason Derulo fan, but what i have, i typically like. i have to be in the mood for this one. i wouldn't really call it rap. look it up you've never heard it. actually, here.
3- LA LA LA- Auburn. I feel like a punk when i listen to this song, but it also makes me happy. i don't know why not many people have heard it..
4- The Boys are Back- Zac Efron & Corbin Bleu. Gotta love High School Musical! i like this song, it reminds me of my good friend, Michelle. i don't know why. She has a blog! check her blog out!
5- 22- Lily Allen. Such a pretty voice. good song. sometimes i listen to it 20 times in a row. just cuz i like doing that sorta thing.
6- What About Now- Lonestar. Country. i love country. i love this song. ah, such a good one. makes me want to run away with my best friend..
7- Vanilla Twilight- Owl City. Why the heck do i have this song? i actually hate it. a lot. i think i'm gonna get rid of it. right now. (sorry to all you who love this song. i think it's garbage..)
8- Fields of Gold- Matthew Jackson. Not familiar with the artist? well, he was in my home ward, and i love his voice. so i have his music. here, take a look. but this songs is sad, but it makes me happy.
9- So Happy Together- Herman's Hermits. this song reminds me of a boy. and how we are happy together, and how i feel about him. if you can relate, you know what i'm talking about.
10- I Feel Bad- Rascal Flats. Once, i listened to rascal flats all day. for four days. at least. they can really emote what they are thinking, and i like being able to relate to something.

So that pretty much shows that i love all types of music. Although some of the cool ones aren't on there. Have you heard this song? I love it. i don't know why. maybe cuz it's good! same with this one :)
one day, i'll blog about my favorite songs. but for now, this will have to do.
happy monday. seriously. 