more to look at!


21. seems. so. old!

Here's a newsflash: i've been 21 for over a month.
  and also, i meant to post this a month ago. carrying on.
21 isn't much different than 20. the difference is really just a day. But it seems much more. I kinda freaked out when i turned 21. it's so old! but honestly, this past year has been amazing. i seriously didn't think my 20th year could get any better than my 19th, but i was wrong. it wasn't that it was better, but it definitely was one of best that i can remember.
Here's  a glimpse of what i did (if you were wondering why it was just so great)
ready? get excited. (ps, i did one of these for my 19th birthday- if you wanna see the stuff that i did TWO years ago. click hurr)

-Submitted my mission papers on June 12th
-Received and opened my call on July 26th (my reaction)
-went down for another semester of school at SUU
-roomed with my best friend and sister, Riss
-gave a 90 minute presentation on epilepsy (90 minutes is FOREVER long)
-sang karaoke for the first time at Applebee's. if you have not done this, it is recommended :)
-watched The Notebook. kinda didn't love it a whole lot
-successfully made pancakes.
-filled up Journal 13, 14, and 15
-taught my first Sunday School lesson about 3 Nephi
-finished the entire Old Testament
-GOT A NEW LICENSE PICTURE. ok seriously, i have been looking forward to that since my 16th birthday. my driver's license picture looked like i was stoned..
-crocheted a scarf for my best friend
-Worked as a counselor at EFY (here's what i had to say about a few of the weeks)
-didn't kiss anyone..
-did "No Shave November" ... for almost 4 months. i have pictures.
-became a ward missionary
-had mountain dew for the first time

I can't think of any more. but this last year has been the best 20th year of my life ever. Let's hope #21 will be just as phenomenal. Which it will be. Cuz i'll be on a mission.
-Adult Raela

ps, posting this today means 2 blog posts in 2 days! that hasn't happened in over a year! whoa.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I deleted my facebook, so you should keep me in the loop about family things! :) Love your blog!


i love that you're here. thank you for giving me feedback. :) have a lovely day.