more to look at!


imaginary friend

Arthur was my favorite TV show. Still is. I love that aardvark.
I remember that i always wanted to be exactly like D.W., because we were so much alike.
We both had older brothers.
We both liked pink.
We both had imaginary friends.
Nadine was hers.
I wish i could recall mine..
Sad day.
D.W. always seemed to have much more fun with Nadine tho.
i just got laughed at.
reminds me of the time when i followed my own blog.
oh wait.
i still do.

i like to think of myself as my own best friend.
probably how i looked..

1 comment:

  1. haha Rachel that made me laugh so hard. D.W. is pretty much the best. I think my favorite episode is the one where she gets lost in the supermart and has to imagine her life as the Store-Phantom haha


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