more to look at!


i just can't get enough.

happy. that is the word that i have been able to describe myself for quite some time. :) maybe it's a boy. maybe it's the awesome weather. maybe it's both. yeah, it's both :) but other things make me happy as well. hopefully they make you as happy as they make me.
- being with my family
- soft kisses
- puddle jumping
- eating blueberry muffin mix
- hugs
- bubbles
- popsicles
- wearing sweats and slippers
- a hot shower
- bows in my hair
- friends
- coloring books
- swing sets
- falling in love
- laughing so hard that your face hurts
- running through sprinklers
- waking up
- sunsets/ sunrises
- getting mail
- the smell of bubble bath
- mud
- reminiscing about life
                             OH LIFE. HOW I LOVE YOU DEARLY.    

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i love that you're here. thank you for giving me feedback. :) have a lovely day.