more to look at!


dyqhr3w. nz bdx

School officially started on Monday.
As in yesterday. 
Although there are a lot of things that are the same this school year, there are a bunch of things that are different, and it’s been throwing me off a bit. I realized that I am not a huge fan of change, even though I know you can’t progress without it. Let me rephrase that. I like change, after it becomes the norm again. 
             I still room with my cousin, and I love it. We have a new roommate, and she stole our cupboard that we had last year. Unfortunately, I keep opening hers up and seeing all sorts of awesome food, yet I can’t eat it BECAUSE IT’S NOT MY CUPBOARD ANYMORE. How annoying.
 Another big change is with my friends. Most of my friends last year were 18 year old boys that were going on LDS missions the following year. So this year, I get to make some new ones with my cousin. I’m quite nervous about that. I don’t like meeting new people. AH! 
But I think the biggest change that will happen is when my best friend leaves for Minneapolis, Minnesota. When I first met him, I could walk to his apartment.  
5 minutes. Not bad. 
And then summer came. We kept in contact by texting and calling, and occasionally visiting each other. 3 hours away. Not a very common thing. But totally worth it. 
Now that I am back at school, I keep expecting to pass him on the way to the institute building like I used to, or for him to be 5 minutes away again. 
He’s now 20 minutes away, and since I don’t have a car, he makes the commute. What a guy. BUT in 22 days, he will once again be 3 hours away again. In Provo. 
And then pretty soon he’ll be 23 hours away. And I won’t see him for two years.
What a change.
but change is a good thing Rae..  


You can read this one for free

I went to the dentist yesterday. Sitting in the chair, I realized a lot of things. Feel free to bask in my knowledge. Which could possibly only be true with my dentist. Not sure how yours is..

- they play music for you in the dentst's chair so you don't only hear them scraping at your teeth.
- they wear those masks for many reasons.
         -one, they don't want you looking at their teeth
             -two, they don't want to smell your breath
                 -three, they're super stylish
                     -four, they probably have to. regulations must be kept!
- they like to start their conversations as they start working on your teeth, so all you can say is mmhmmmm. That could be fun for them.
- the older the lady, the more brutal she is. No one likes getting Teresa. Sorry, truth hurts sometimes.
- they give you sunglasses to wear so you don't make awkward eye contact with them. (I used to to think they were looking at me- no, they are looking at my teeth, and that's all.) And I guess they're being nice so you don't have to look at the light...
- you only get a prize if you're under ten, UNLESS you specifically ask for one. Tempting.
- i would not want to be looking at people's teeth all day.
- when you leave, you smell like the dentist all day long.

and that's about it.
love Rae.


Toilet Man

  • This man plants trees- on days OTHER than Arbor Day!
  • He carries in groceries for pregnant women!
  • Has been seen helping elderly cross the street!
  • He volunteers at an animal shelter- EVERY THIRD TUESDAY!
  • This man picks up trash at the park in his free time!
  • He helps people find their lost puppies!
  • He unclogs the commode !
  • This man fights for the good of mankind! 
it's time for his to get some recognition. But.


and why won't he reveal himself?
People want to know!

toilet man, it's time to come out of the closet. 
The water closet.


:) so super cute

this should be every boy's reaction to a kiss :)
the end.


Bad news tuesday :(

Rachel's Brain Thoughts.

sometimes i feel like this.
Lately I've been a slacker. Hugely. I haven't been feeling top notch, and i'm getting so sick of it. I am going to the doctor's in half an hour, and i'm terrified. I hate the doctor's office, especially getting my blood drawn, which always has to happen because i am anemic. not cool. But if it will help me to feel better, i can't wait. I am so sick of getting exhausted from walking up the stairs or standing too long. My siblings tease me about it, I really don't think they know how crappy it makes me feel. It just makes me want to move out even more. I love my family to death, but this is the first time that i have even gotten kinda sick of them, and it makes me feel so bad. I wish i didn't feel this way. To ramble on more, I was going to move out on the 16th, but I checked with my apartment managers, and i can't move in until the 20th. that's 2 days before school starts. Again, Not cool. AND to top things off, my tuition is due by friday and my card isn't letting me pay it off.. kinda scary. that's my life right now.
I guess life throws you curve balls though, and we're supposed to get by with a happy attitude, so i'm done moping around. sorry kids, this pity party has officially ended. Life is good. :) have a nice day.