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I went to the dentist yesterday. Sitting in the chair, I realized a lot of things. Feel free to bask in my knowledge. Which could possibly only be true with my dentist. Not sure how yours is..

- they play music for you in the dentst's chair so you don't only hear them scraping at your teeth.
- they wear those masks for many reasons.
         -one, they don't want you looking at their teeth
             -two, they don't want to smell your breath
                 -three, they're super stylish
                     -four, they probably have to. regulations must be kept!
- they like to start their conversations as they start working on your teeth, so all you can say is mmhmmmm. That could be fun for them.
- the older the lady, the more brutal she is. No one likes getting Teresa. Sorry, truth hurts sometimes.
- they give you sunglasses to wear so you don't make awkward eye contact with them. (I used to to think they were looking at me- no, they are looking at my teeth, and that's all.) And I guess they're being nice so you don't have to look at the light...
- you only get a prize if you're under ten, UNLESS you specifically ask for one. Tempting.
- i would not want to be looking at people's teeth all day.
- when you leave, you smell like the dentist all day long.

and that's about it.
love Rae.

1 comment:

  1. it's SO true!
    but, what the music does not prevent is you hearing their stomach growling the whole time. goodness woman, eat some lunch, will ya? i don't feel comfortable with your tummy growling while you're looking at the insides of my mouth. (and probably my leftovers stuck in it...)
    i love the dentist; but it's an insanely awkward place. let's just be honest.


i love that you're here. thank you for giving me feedback. :) have a lovely day.