more to look at!


just a panda.

oh hey!
it's me, Rae. Just thought i would check in and see how things are going. It's been a fairly gloomy day, weather wise, but other than that, it's been pretty good.

-slept in until 10. YES!
-ate blueberry muffin mix. i swear, it's heaven-sent.
-i finished my letter and sent it to Elder Abbott :) :) <3
-the few friends that i have (other than my cousin and roomies) invited me to play frisbee
-it's already 5:3O. not bad.
-three more days until i can go home and see my family and friends!
i just miss them so much.
-tomorrow is sunday. i love sundays.
-cousin is off with her beau = apartment to myself.
-found like, 6 more blogs to follow. and i feel like a creep. don't worry.

life is good after all :)

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i love that you're here. thank you for giving me feedback. :) have a lovely day.