more to look at!



No, there wasn't a typo. 
This is not about Ke$ha, but someone different.
Let's get them straight.
 Starting now.

Meet Ke$ha. 
 blah blah blah.. glitter.. blah blah.. glitter...
ok enough about her.
even though i like her songs on occasion

Meet Kasha.

She's cooler than Ke$ha
This is the person that i spend 98% of my time with,
at least during the school year. 
We seriously do everything together.

We have our classes start at the same time, so we can wake up with the same alarm
We go check the mail together- i won't get it without her.
We are inseparable.
People see us together, and then remark, 
"I always see you two together"
her friends are my friends.
We share everything
-except clothes-

I can seriously go to her for anything.
She knows how to make me focus, be happy, or just get over something.

We have been best friends since.. forever.
The biggest reason i liked going to grandma's house was to play with her.
We are freakishly similar.
We'll have the same thoughts, or the same idea.
At the same time.

I am so glad that she is my roommate.
I am so glad that she is my cousin.
I am so glad that she is my friend.

Yay for friend-relatives.
have a nice day.

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i love that you're here. thank you for giving me feedback. :) have a lovely day.