Here's a newsflash: i've been 21 for over a month.
and also, i meant to post this a month ago. carrying on.
21 isn't much different than 20. the difference is really just a day. But it seems much more. I kinda freaked out when i turned 21. it's so old! but honestly, this past year has been amazing. i seriously didn't think my 20th year could get any better than my 19th, but i was wrong. it wasn't that it was better, but it definitely was one of best that i can remember.
Here's a glimpse of what i did (if you were wondering why it was just so great)
ready? get excited. (ps, i did one of these for my 19th birthday- if you wanna see the stuff that i did TWO years ago. click hurr)
-Submitted my mission papers on June 12th
-Received and opened my call on July 26th (my reaction)
-went down for another semester of school at SUU
-roomed with my best friend and sister, Riss
-gave a 90 minute presentation on epilepsy (90 minutes is FOREVER long)
-sang karaoke for the first time at Applebee's. if you have not done this, it is recommended :)
-watched The Notebook. kinda didn't love it a whole lot
-successfully made pancakes.
-filled up Journal 13, 14, and 15
-taught my first Sunday School lesson about 3 Nephi
-finished the entire Old Testament
-GOT A NEW LICENSE PICTURE. ok seriously, i have been looking forward to that since my 16th birthday. my driver's license picture looked like i was stoned..
-crocheted a scarf for my best friend
-Worked as a counselor at EFY (here's what i had to say about a few of the weeks)
-didn't kiss anyone..
-did "No Shave November" ... for almost 4 months. i have pictures.
-became a ward missionary
-had mountain dew for the first time
I can't think of any more. but this last year has been the best 20th year of my life ever. Let's hope #21 will be just as phenomenal. Which it will be. Cuz i'll be on a mission.
-Adult Raela
ps, posting this today means 2 blog posts in 2 days! that hasn't happened in over a year! whoa.
There are a lot of things coming up in my life.
ok. not a lot. just like, six. that i can think of.
and i'm excited about all of them.
1. Teaching Sunday School
- i taught Sunday School a few weeks ago, and i absolutely loved it! i loved teaching about the Book of Mormon. it was not as hard as i thought it would be. also, i get to teach it with my little sister. life can't get better. but it can, cuz right after i teach, i'm headed to Califronia
2. Going to Disneyland
- i love Disneyland. this little vacation is super spontaneous. my dad LOVES to win things off the radio. He tracks the things he wins and it's actually really impressive. it's his little quirk that makes me love him so much more. but on monday, he texts my sister and says that he won tickets to Disneyland. and the only time that both she and i can go is this week, so we're doing it. feel free to be jealous.
3. Going through the temple for the first time
- this is such a big deal. i'll be completely honest. i'm nervous. i don't know what to expect. i've put it off for a few months, mainly because i am scared, and also because i love my soccer shorts way too much. don't judge me, trials aren't all universal. this is mine :) but i finally have my date set and ready to go! now that i have it set sin stone, my nerves are going away, and i couldn't really care less about my soccer shorts. i just wanna go!
4. Giving my farewell talk
- oh gosh. i'm excited, but i wanna throw up. i am just excited to see all of my friends. i'm terrified to actually talk. why? i stutter, i talk too fast, i laugh at my own jokes.. yep. it'll be interesting for sure! entertaining to say the least.
5. Finals
-i enjoy taking tests. so naturally, i'm excited about taking my finals. i love seeing what i know. it's like a game for me. hard to describe. i'm not excited about taking them so close to the date that i enter into the MTC, but i signed up for classes, so i'll do what i have to do to pass. yay tests! really.. once those are doe with, i'm off.
6. MTC
- i just wanna leave! i've waited for.. about 5 months so far (since i put my papers in), so what's another month? TORTURE. i don't wanna do anything. I can't focus on school, i just wanna leave. But, this too shall pass and i'll be gone soon. I can't wait. i love this gospel, and i want people to grow to love it as much as i do.
pretty much, there isn't much time left until i am gone, and it's finally beginning to hit me. i'm more excited than i am scared, but that doesn't mean that the fear doesn't creep up on me. i'm human. it's exciting to think that in 28.5 days, i will be a missionary. living life in the MTC. It's unreal. There are no other words that can describe my life right now. except maybe one: Exciting.
ok. not a lot. just like, six. that i can think of.
and i'm excited about all of them.
1. Teaching Sunday School
- i taught Sunday School a few weeks ago, and i absolutely loved it! i loved teaching about the Book of Mormon. it was not as hard as i thought it would be. also, i get to teach it with my little sister. life can't get better. but it can, cuz right after i teach, i'm headed to Califronia
2. Going to Disneyland
- i love Disneyland. this little vacation is super spontaneous. my dad LOVES to win things off the radio. He tracks the things he wins and it's actually really impressive. it's his little quirk that makes me love him so much more. but on monday, he texts my sister and says that he won tickets to Disneyland. and the only time that both she and i can go is this week, so we're doing it. feel free to be jealous.
3. Going through the temple for the first time
- this is such a big deal. i'll be completely honest. i'm nervous. i don't know what to expect. i've put it off for a few months, mainly because i am scared, and also because i love my soccer shorts way too much. don't judge me, trials aren't all universal. this is mine :) but i finally have my date set and ready to go! now that i have it set sin stone, my nerves are going away, and i couldn't really care less about my soccer shorts. i just wanna go!
4. Giving my farewell talk
- oh gosh. i'm excited, but i wanna throw up. i am just excited to see all of my friends. i'm terrified to actually talk. why? i stutter, i talk too fast, i laugh at my own jokes.. yep. it'll be interesting for sure! entertaining to say the least.
5. Finals
-i enjoy taking tests. so naturally, i'm excited about taking my finals. i love seeing what i know. it's like a game for me. hard to describe. i'm not excited about taking them so close to the date that i enter into the MTC, but i signed up for classes, so i'll do what i have to do to pass. yay tests! really.. once those are doe with, i'm off.
6. MTC
- i just wanna leave! i've waited for.. about 5 months so far (since i put my papers in), so what's another month? TORTURE. i don't wanna do anything. I can't focus on school, i just wanna leave. But, this too shall pass and i'll be gone soon. I can't wait. i love this gospel, and i want people to grow to love it as much as i do.
pretty much, there isn't much time left until i am gone, and it's finally beginning to hit me. i'm more excited than i am scared, but that doesn't mean that the fear doesn't creep up on me. i'm human. it's exciting to think that in 28.5 days, i will be a missionary. living life in the MTC. It's unreal. There are no other words that can describe my life right now. except maybe one: Exciting.
1963 was a good year
For a while now, i have been on a HUGE kick for The Beatles.
just 4 handsome, talented, and witty young men
i got the music
i got the facts
i've seen the movies
i just love them
sometimes i wish i was born in their era. in liverpool.
i would've been a groupie
i've always loved them, so this obsession isn't new.
just rekindled recently.
and i love it.
so here's to you, Beatles.
for being the best band in the world
thank you.
happy 50th anniversary.
one year!
Kelton's been gone for one year!
(technically, his halfway mark was yesterday.. sue me)
I can't believe that his mission is already half over.
it's kinda sad.
i know he wants to keep serving forever
but all good things must come to an end.
--and it's all downhilll from here.
he's the cold one. on the right. |
well.. sorta.
i love them
i love this video.
for two main reasons.
i love pokemon.
i love missionaries.
i love them.
for two main reasons.
i love pokemon.
i love missionaries.
i love them.
my best friend is on a mission.
he loves pokemon, too.
so this is especially happy.
i love life.
... and pinterest.
-do good,
wanna know something?
So, I got my mission call. Yep, if you haven't seen where I am going, click here :) yay! but I am so excited. I cannot even wait until i get to leave for the Dominican Republic! but before I do, i thought you might like to know WHY i decided to serve a mission, since girls don't have to.
I remember sitting in church one day, as a primary kid. Our teacher asked us what some of our goals were. Get married in the temple, have kids, go to college, etc. then, i raised my hand. "go on a mission." my teacher looked at me, and said, "yes, the boys will go on missions." that kinda offended me. I wanted to go on a mission. i didn't care that it was for boys, but i wanted to go. From then on, it had always been in the back of my mind. I had friends talking about how it's dumb for girls to go on missions. and for a while, i thought it was dumb, too. But I still had a secret desire to serve, and i didn't know why.
In May of 2011, I had the opportunity to go to Peru. I went with my parents and older brother. He had returned from his mission the summer before, and we wanted to go and visit parts of his mission. I was lucky enough to go and experience that awesome country. But while i was there, i saw all of the different lives that my brother had changed while out serving. Not only were the people changed, but i noticed something different about him while he was there, among those he served. He was happier, and had a light in his eyes that he just wanted to share with everyone. For example, we had a cab driver that took us to the Lima, Peru temple. He asked a little about why we were there, and without any hesitation, my brother shared the gospel with him. I could feel the spirit so strongly. The cab driver was interested! and he kept asking questions. He asked if he could wait for us and pick us up after. of course we said yes. We went to the distribution center, and my brother bought a Book of Mormon for him. He wrote his testimony in it and gave it to him when we returned. That really made me jealous. I wanted to be able to share the gospel with people as easily as he did. I wanted to change people's lives. I longed for that.
Another thing that hit me was when we went to the temple. There were buses and people camped out on the temple grounds, waiting for the opportunity to go inside and feel the spirit. How blessed I am to live in an area with temples in close proximity! I don't have to save up all my money for years so i can afford a trip to the temple with my family. Seeing that people were so dedicated to get to the temple made me want to go even more. So i thought about it. A LOT. it wouldn't leave my mind.
I was worried what my parents would say about me wanting to go, so i didn't tell them for like, 3 months. i remember the conversation i had with my mom in the car when i told her i wanted to go. i was freaking out. she seemed surprised, and happy. so that was good. i wanted to keep it on the down-low, but i realized that it wasn't really possible. things spread. REALLY fast. so people knew. but that's alright.
I was worried what my parents would say about me wanting to go, so i didn't tell them for like, 3 months. i remember the conversation i had with my mom in the car when i told her i wanted to go. i was freaking out. she seemed surprised, and happy. so that was good. i wanted to keep it on the down-low, but i realized that it wasn't really possible. things spread. REALLY fast. so people knew. but that's alright.
Guys, I know that i am supposed to go on a mission. people in the Dominican Republic have been prepared for the gospel, and they are supposed to hear it from me. I cannot even wait to get out there. I want to serve. I want to be an instrument in God's hands. I want people to be as happy as i am. I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love my Savior. I want other people to love Him as much as I do.
and another big thing in my life, i am going back down to school for another semester. i love school, and to top it off, i will be rooming with my best friend, Riss! i get to room with my sister. how cool is that?! anyways, life is good. EFY is over, and that makes me sad. I miss it. I love my kids. I learned so much from them. I love my co-counselors. i have made lasting friendships and i have learned a lot about life through them. i doubt anyone will really read this, but i just thought y'all should know :)
thank you for reading! follow your dreams!
especially for me.
so.... i am a counselor at EFY, which is a church program for youth.
to put it simply, it is a bunch of young adults who are in charge of hundreds of youth, and they teach them about gospel principles. in other words, i have the power to influence these kids and help them draw closer to their Savior.
it's extremely fun.
i love my job.
it is one of the most rewarding experiences that i have ever had in my entire life.
i just love working with the youth and getting them excited about the gospel.
so far, i have worked four long, exhausting weeks, but they have all taught me something that i will never forget. i have seen miracles.
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my guinea pigs |
my first week was full of nerves. i was brand new at this. first job (kinda embarrassing), i didn't know anyone, and i wasn't comfortable talking in front of people. i really learned to rely on the Lord because taking care of 14-18 year old kids is pretty challenging. i was constantly praying for inspiration on ways that i could help them. i had to reach out to those that i didn't know. i had to rely on people, which is tough because i am very self-reliant. i learned that anything is possible with the help of God. in the entire week, i probably got about 25 hours of sleep, and i needed to be excited and not sleep during classes or devotionals. which can be super tough. i know there was some divine help in that aspect. i gained a greater testimony that God knows each one of His children personally and knows just what to do when they are in trouble.
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flesh and bones! |
my second week was super fun. i had a crazy group. i had the younger kids, and i learned that i could relax. for the most part, the youth are good kids who want to be there, and i don't need to monitor everything that goes on. i realized that the Lord plays a huge part in the program, and without Him, i would be a terrible mess. i had a girl that got pretty sick, and i had to watch over her a lot of times. it took up a lot of energy, but she ended up staying and getting better. i also realized how much i truly love this gospel. i realized that i love talking to other people about it, and helping others come unto Christ. ah, i just love EFY.
how can you NOT love these people?! |
my third week was AMAZING. holy smokes. simply amazing. i went to a totally strange place, where i have never been, and i know i was put with the roommate that i was supposed to be with. she taught me so much and helped me out. i love her. i also learned that God loves everyone. i have felt His love for the youth of the church. i learned that God sends people to help others. i learned to love my company so much. they were all amazing, young people, and they made me feel so special. which is totally what i needed. i miss my Unity of Faith. the second thing that i learned is that we can't judge people by how they look. here's a story. the second day, these two boys came late and we found out that they were in our company. they looked a little rough, but i decided to be super nice to them. they were really fascinating to me. i talked to them and found out that they had no desire to be there. i decided to just let them be, and not condemn them, but to instead be their friend. so i talked to them every chance i could. they told me how Mormons were jerks to them and judged the crap out of them. i tried to convince them otherwise, but they were obviously not convinced. they needed proof. so i hung out with them. they stared to listen to me and show more respect. i was shocked when one of them got up and bore his testimony, even though he had no idea what he was doing. i am not a crier, but i totally cried. anyways, we became pretty good friends, and told me that they thought differently about Mormons now. i learned that people can be changed by your example. what a blessing to have week #3
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my awesome co-counselor |
this last week was tough. i don't think that i could have made it without my co-counselor. he was great. we became pretty close, and i think we worked well together. our company was fine, but they were a bit rowdy- at least the boys were. i learned something from them though. i learned that people can be changed and touched, even when they don't seem to be paying attention. i learned that sometimes, you just have to sit back and laugh at the situation, even though it may not be in the lesson plan. i also learned the value of prayer. one of my girls told me that she didn't know God's love for her. so i earnestly prayed that she could feel it, and i know that she prayed as well. i sat next to her during a fireside, and all of the sudden, she started bawling and started writing really fast. she took notes in her journal. later that night, she shared how she knew of His love, and that she now had a testimony.
i know that God has a hand in the programs of the church. i know that EFY is an inspired program. i am so blessed to be associated with these young ones, and that i am able to learn so much from them.i know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true gospel, and that it is one thing that can guarantee people's happiness. i just love everything about it.
i hope your summer is going as fantastic as mine. i have a feeling that mine will only get better. i can't even wait for the upcoming events in my life, which include more sessions of EFY.
peace and love,
Recently, i found a gem
it's difficult to be sad after looking at his joy. i mean, come on! it's a pineapple!
i hope you enjoy this as much as i do :)
stay classy, Raela
----when i was younger, i used to want to be a librarian. i don't know where the idea of a librarian came from. but alas, i did not choose the path of a librarian.
----i liked books, so i thought, hey, you could WRITE the books! so i then wanted to be a writer. genius!! pretty much all the signs were saying that i shouldn't pursue it, but i disregarded them, thinking that i could be really great! after all, i thought i could do it, and so i figured i would make it big! then i went to school. i did alright in english classes, but not as good as my friends. i thought my papers were well written, but they only received a B grade.. i knew that wouldn't cut it. so i kinda forgot about my dream to become a writer. (and now i just laugh about that. i can't even keep a blog, let alone write things! goodness, rae.. )
----but i longed to create things, and was taking piano lessons. my teacher said that i had a natural gift, or something. so i assumed that i was some sort of prodigy! then i wanted to be a concert pianist. i wanted to play in front of millions of people. even the queen- we would be wonderful friends. but when i realized that i would have to practice a bunch, i slaughtered that dream.. so an artist was next on my list.
----i enjoyed drawing. but my sister was better, and everyone knew it. since no one ever recognized "my wonderful skill," i gave up. who needs to be an artist! not me. i would just draw on the side, and not have it as a career.
----then, this wild idea came into my brain, i'v been told that i fall gracefully.. i know! i'll be a stunt double! What?! yeah. i practiced falling, tumbling, rolling around, everything. i got pretty good. for a 9 year old. I would hear my friends talking about what they wanted to be. doctor, orthodontist, baker, musician, all these "normal" jobs.
----so i decided to change. architect! yep. i still had the burning desire to create! but i wanted to make buildings, and design structures. it was like an artist, but more.. professional. yes, that's the word. professional. plus, i sounded awesome saying it. i wanted to be an architect for MANY years. until junior high. when i realized that 1. i didn't like math enough, and 2. girls don't usually do that kinda stuff.. stupid sexist comments.
----but i thought about psychology, and that's what i'm going for! still. i've never wanted to be a counselor, but i would much rather do research and work on people's brains. not so much a neurosurgeon, but a neuropsychologist. and i really hope that doesn't change, even though it's going to be tough. it'll take a lot of years, money, and patience. let's hope i can do it! if not, i think i would settle for a family.
----sometimes we need more than a desire to do something, but finding the motivation is.. almost impossible for me. all i know is:
well done is so much better than well said.
and i plan on getting a gold star after all of this schooling is done!
the head.
i love my sister Heather. I give her grief and change her profile picture and stuff, but i love her. i may not act like it, but i love her.
maybe i'm just jealous because she never had to go thru the awkward stages that i had to go thru, since i was the first girl, i got to figure out how bad everything i wore looked. my mom believed in letting us experiment and learn for ourselves what we liked.. thanks mom. but with Heather, she has two older sisters that let her know if her outfit looks awful. then again, biker shorts aren't really in anymore, so it's not too often that we have to make her change to go out into public..
plus, Riss and i are pretty close in age, so we kind of gang up on her and torment her. it's out of love. honest. i appreciate her putting up with us, and loving us all the same when the day is done.
you're fantastic, heather. thanks fro being the sister that you are. i can't wait until we all mature and can hang out without teasing you. forgive me for all the grief i/we have caused you, but you should expect more. it's who i am.i hope you have a good day. i love you.
maybe i'm just jealous because she never had to go thru the awkward stages that i had to go thru, since i was the first girl, i got to figure out how bad everything i wore looked. my mom believed in letting us experiment and learn for ourselves what we liked.. thanks mom. but with Heather, she has two older sisters that let her know if her outfit looks awful. then again, biker shorts aren't really in anymore, so it's not too often that we have to make her change to go out into public..
plus, Riss and i are pretty close in age, so we kind of gang up on her and torment her. it's out of love. honest. i appreciate her putting up with us, and loving us all the same when the day is done.
you're fantastic, heather. thanks fro being the sister that you are. i can't wait until we all mature and can hang out without teasing you. forgive me for all the grief i/we have caused you, but you should expect more. it's who i am.i hope you have a good day. i love you.
tag! i'm it.
there's this thing going around. i'm supposed to do some stuff, answer some questions, and tag other people. yep, you guessed it. i was tagged. who was i tagged by? well, it was riss. so i'm going to do this, just because i can. and because i really have nothing better to do!
i am very comfortable in my body. i know i have acne, and all that fun stuff, but it kinda makes me who i am, so i don't mind it all too much. and i am very thankful for my vision, but i have always wanted glasses. so bad. i love them. people say that i won't love them once i get them, but i wear fake ones around.. ah, i wish i could have some. also, i'm trying to grow out my hair. i would like that to be longer. one day, i'll have glasses and long hair. even if i'm 80.
oh man. this one is tough. it depends what i am talking about. i am pretty close to my mom and dad, as well as my older brother, Jeff. We talk all the time, which i love. But i spend a lot of time talking to Riss, so she's up there, too. i can tell anything to Heavenly Father, and i'm WAY comfortable talking to Him, but He doesn't count right now :) Kelton, ah. i can tell him ANYTHING. i've been comfortable talking to him since the day we met. so if i couldn't answer someone in my family, it would be Elder Abbott :)
ok.. i don't have many blogging friends.. BUT. i guess i tag:
if you haven't already done this, feel free to do it, it's actually pretty entertaining!
these questions you must now answer:
1. what is something that you are absolutely addicted to?
2. what is one thing that you are looking forward to? why?
3. what was the best/worst date you've ever been on?
4. how would you change the world?
5. what's one talent you wish you had better developed?
6. what do you do with your friends?
7. do you believe in love at first sight? why?
8. who (not of your family) do you admire? why?
9. what are 3 of your pet peeves?
10. what's one thing that no one knows you can do? (for instance, i crochet)
11. where do you want to visit before you die?
*post these rules:
*post a photo and eleven random things about yourself
*answer the questions that were provided by the person who tagged you
*create eleven new question for the people you tag
*contact those you tag and let them know they've been tagged.
oh.. is the picture supposed to be of me?? this is heather :)
1. i sleep with my teddy bear, Raider, every single night.
2. i enjoy drinking hot chocolate in the summer. i don't know why. it's pretty delicious in the winter as well.
3. i hate shaving my legs. i hate it. so... i rarely do it. i'm a HUGE fan of long socks. perhaps that is why me and soccer get along so well :)
4. i have never broken a bone, pierced my ears, gotten a cavity, been stung by a bee, or been pulled over. but on the down side, i can't roll my tongue
5. sunflowers are my absolute favorite flower. nothing is prettier than a field of blooming sunflowers. or a field of white wheat. but that's another story.
6. i like eating lemons. i think they are delicious, even though they aren't really good for the enamel on the teeth
7. when i was younger, i wanted to either be a librarian, and architect, or a stunt double.
8. any guy that can spell correctly and use proper grammar, is about 100 times more attractive than a guy who can't
9. i have a thing for redheads :)
10. a dessert with coconut on it is completely ruined
11. i'm actually REALLY competitive. i come off pretty shy to most people, but when i compete against them in a game..i'm a whole new person. a good person.. just unexpected
1. if you could date any superstar, who would it be? why?
uhhhhhhh.. all of the superstars that i would be interested in are kinda a lot older than i am. and they are all conceited and ridiculous. but i really like John Krasinski. ah. especially his character Jim Halpert. from the Office. pretty much fell for him. so funny, so sweet. yeah.. i would definitely go on a date with Jim Halpert.. i mean, John Krasinski.
2. what's your most embarrassing moment?
ever since i've been born, i've embarrassed myself a lot. i have so many, but you only asked for one. this one probably isn't my most embarrassing one, but it's the first one that comes to mind. it happened in.. 4th grade? maybe 3rd? i can't remember the exact date. But i was sitting in computer class, and this class was just an hour long, so we would have to walk back to our class after. anyways, i was sitting there, and i had a GENIUS idea! 'it would be way fun to tie your shoelaces together!' so i did. about five minutes after doing that, we had to get up and go to our homeroom class. my laces wouldn't come undone! shoot.. so i hobbled to the line. we got the the main hall, and what do you know? all of the other classes were changing rooms as well! great..i was near the front and holding up the line, so i let everyone pass. then, i trip. everyone looks at me, laughs, and i get up, almost in tears, and hobble to the back. we got to the classroom and i took my shoes off. haven't done that since.. yep.. moving on.
3.who's your hero? why?
it's hard for me to say just one person, because there are so many people in my life who have influenced me for the better. i may not think they are my hero, but their actions were heroic, and i admire them. My father is definitely a hero to me. we are so close, and that is a blessing in my life. he doesn't get angry, and helps around the house with a good attitude. i hope to marry a guy life my dad. My mother is so selfless. she knows what's best for me, and cares so much. Jeff, my older brother knows how to talk to people about the gospel. he showed it while we went to Peru. i wanna be able to do that as well as he can. Riss, is someone i look up to for many reasons. she knows how to deal with people. she's so helpful and witty and great. My other siblings are great as well. Kelton is someone i look up to a bunch. he's so dedicated, and does things, even though it may be difficult. i just love him for that. Yeah, i have MANY heroes. i seriously could take days writing this answer out, but then people would get bored reading.. so i'll stop..
it's hard for me to say just one person, because there are so many people in my life who have influenced me for the better. i may not think they are my hero, but their actions were heroic, and i admire them. My father is definitely a hero to me. we are so close, and that is a blessing in my life. he doesn't get angry, and helps around the house with a good attitude. i hope to marry a guy life my dad. My mother is so selfless. she knows what's best for me, and cares so much. Jeff, my older brother knows how to talk to people about the gospel. he showed it while we went to Peru. i wanna be able to do that as well as he can. Riss, is someone i look up to for many reasons. she knows how to deal with people. she's so helpful and witty and great. My other siblings are great as well. Kelton is someone i look up to a bunch. he's so dedicated, and does things, even though it may be difficult. i just love him for that. Yeah, i have MANY heroes. i seriously could take days writing this answer out, but then people would get bored reading.. so i'll stop..
4.what's your biggest accomplishment so far?
um.. probably staying active in the church. i have heard that it's pretty easy to fall away..
um.. probably staying active in the church. i have heard that it's pretty easy to fall away..
5.what made you smile today?
A single thought if a boy. Cliche, i know.
6. if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? why?A single thought if a boy. Cliche, i know.
i am very comfortable in my body. i know i have acne, and all that fun stuff, but it kinda makes me who i am, so i don't mind it all too much. and i am very thankful for my vision, but i have always wanted glasses. so bad. i love them. people say that i won't love them once i get them, but i wear fake ones around.. ah, i wish i could have some. also, i'm trying to grow out my hair. i would like that to be longer. one day, i'll have glasses and long hair. even if i'm 80.
7.what inspires you?
playing the piano, reading church magazines/books, the internet can be inspiring. some people have super good ideas. i don't know. i don't think i'm inspired easily. never really thought about it
playing the piano, reading church magazines/books, the internet can be inspiring. some people have super good ideas. i don't know. i don't think i'm inspired easily. never really thought about it
8.what is your favorite place to go to think?
i love sitting in a car. but pretty much anywhere that i am alone, or with someone i can think out loud to, i enjoy thinking. i also love thinking while i am looking up at the night sky. but i would have to say a car.
9. who's the person you are most comfortable talking to? why?i love sitting in a car. but pretty much anywhere that i am alone, or with someone i can think out loud to, i enjoy thinking. i also love thinking while i am looking up at the night sky. but i would have to say a car.
oh man. this one is tough. it depends what i am talking about. i am pretty close to my mom and dad, as well as my older brother, Jeff. We talk all the time, which i love. But i spend a lot of time talking to Riss, so she's up there, too. i can tell anything to Heavenly Father, and i'm WAY comfortable talking to Him, but He doesn't count right now :) Kelton, ah. i can tell him ANYTHING. i've been comfortable talking to him since the day we met. so if i couldn't answer someone in my family, it would be Elder Abbott :)
10. what's your favorite thing to wear?
long socks, boy's boxer shorts, and a hoodie. definitely. it gives me a perfect balance of chill and warmth. i also really love wearing white v-neck t shirts. i would wear those more often if i didn't stain all of them.. oops.
long socks, boy's boxer shorts, and a hoodie. definitely. it gives me a perfect balance of chill and warmth. i also really love wearing white v-neck t shirts. i would wear those more often if i didn't stain all of them.. oops.
11. if today was you last day to live, and you could do anything regardless of expense, what would you do?
i would travel home so i could be with my family. that's all. i wanna die with those that i love all around. i'd just want my mom and dad to hold me. i think i would write a letter to Elder Abbott, but not send it off immediately- don't wanna distract him!
i would travel home so i could be with my family. that's all. i wanna die with those that i love all around. i'd just want my mom and dad to hold me. i think i would write a letter to Elder Abbott, but not send it off immediately- don't wanna distract him!
ok.. i don't have many blogging friends.. BUT. i guess i tag:
if you haven't already done this, feel free to do it, it's actually pretty entertaining!
these questions you must now answer:
1. what is something that you are absolutely addicted to?
2. what is one thing that you are looking forward to? why?
3. what was the best/worst date you've ever been on?
4. how would you change the world?
5. what's one talent you wish you had better developed?
6. what do you do with your friends?
7. do you believe in love at first sight? why?
8. who (not of your family) do you admire? why?
9. what are 3 of your pet peeves?
10. what's one thing that no one knows you can do? (for instance, i crochet)
11. where do you want to visit before you die?
thanks for stopping by!
music says a lot about a person..
I think the music we listens to says a lot about who we are. This is my music, iPod on random, first ten songs.
Here goes nothing.
1- Iris- Goo Goo Dolls. Oh man, i love this song. it makes me very happy, and very sad. it's one of those songs that can just make me emotional if i feel like it.
2- What If- Jason Derulo. Not a huge Jason Derulo fan, but what i have, i typically like. i have to be in the mood for this one. i wouldn't really call it rap. look it up you've never heard it. actually, here.
3- LA LA LA- Auburn. I feel like a punk when i listen to this song, but it also makes me happy. i don't know why not many people have heard it..
4- The Boys are Back- Zac Efron & Corbin Bleu. Gotta love High School Musical! i like this song, it reminds me of my good friend, Michelle. i don't know why. She has a blog! check her blog out!
5- 22- Lily Allen. Such a pretty voice. good song. sometimes i listen to it 20 times in a row. just cuz i like doing that sorta thing.
6- What About Now- Lonestar. Country. i love country. i love this song. ah, such a good one. makes me want to run away with my best friend..
7- Vanilla Twilight- Owl City. Why the heck do i have this song? i actually hate it. a lot. i think i'm gonna get rid of it. right now. (sorry to all you who love this song. i think it's garbage..)
8- Fields of Gold- Matthew Jackson. Not familiar with the artist? well, he was in my home ward, and i love his voice. so i have his music. here, take a look. but this songs is sad, but it makes me happy.
9- So Happy Together- Herman's Hermits. this song reminds me of a boy. and how we are happy together, and how i feel about him. if you can relate, you know what i'm talking about.
10- I Feel Bad- Rascal Flats. Once, i listened to rascal flats all day. for four days. at least. they can really emote what they are thinking, and i like being able to relate to something.
So that pretty much shows that i love all types of music. Although some of the cool ones aren't on there. Have you heard this song? I love it. i don't know why. maybe cuz it's good! same with this one :)
one day, i'll blog about my favorite songs. but for now, this will have to do.
happy monday. seriously.
fate, destiny, and miracles.
>> i believe in fate and destiny. and especially in miracles. <<
>> i am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. whether it be good, bad, happy, unexpected, etc, it happen for a reason. i know that God has everything under control, and if we just put our faith in Him and trust His perfect judgement and timing, then everything will work out in the best, most desirable way possible.
so if things are going tough, be grateful that God loves you enough to let you have this trial. if He didn't love you, your life would be absolutely perfect, and boring. there would be no progression without a hard time here and there.
>> trials are just a manifestation of God's love. i know that for a fact. even though they are hard, you aren't alone, and you will be so much stronger afterwards. especially if you ask God for help and comfort.
>> although we have free agency, i think that God knows us so perfectly that no matter what we choose to do, it can help us. some choices might be beneficial immediately, and others may lead to trials that will benefit you in the future. either way, you'll get something out of your choice.
>> miracles. i know you will see miracles if you are doing what you need to be doing. when you start seeing other people as God's children, you will see miracles. they may not be HUGE miracles, but they don't have to be. i see miracles all the time. i hear about miracles. life is a miracle. with all the complications out there, the fact that we are alive and healthy is a miracle. sometimes, i feel that it is a miracle that i passed a test.
>> i think miracles are a reminder of God's infinite love for me. and for you. the closer we are to God's will, the more miracles we can witness. how wonderful! :)
>> i don't know if any of this makes sense. i am just letting my brain talk for a minute. way too much information processing up there right now. i guess i'll step down from my soapbox.
>> feel free to add anything to this. it could very well be incomplete. <<
>> i am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. whether it be good, bad, happy, unexpected, etc, it happen for a reason. i know that God has everything under control, and if we just put our faith in Him and trust His perfect judgement and timing, then everything will work out in the best, most desirable way possible.
so if things are going tough, be grateful that God loves you enough to let you have this trial. if He didn't love you, your life would be absolutely perfect, and boring. there would be no progression without a hard time here and there.
>> trials are just a manifestation of God's love. i know that for a fact. even though they are hard, you aren't alone, and you will be so much stronger afterwards. especially if you ask God for help and comfort.
>> i think we all have a place that God wants us to be. the reason you are where you are is because that is where you are supposed to be. you will meet people, learn things about yourself, or gain a new perspective from where you are. even if you happen to be in a rut.>> although we have free agency, i think that God knows us so perfectly that no matter what we choose to do, it can help us. some choices might be beneficial immediately, and others may lead to trials that will benefit you in the future. either way, you'll get something out of your choice.
>> miracles. i know you will see miracles if you are doing what you need to be doing. when you start seeing other people as God's children, you will see miracles. they may not be HUGE miracles, but they don't have to be. i see miracles all the time. i hear about miracles. life is a miracle. with all the complications out there, the fact that we are alive and healthy is a miracle. sometimes, i feel that it is a miracle that i passed a test.
>> i think miracles are a reminder of God's infinite love for me. and for you. the closer we are to God's will, the more miracles we can witness. how wonderful! :)
>> i don't know if any of this makes sense. i am just letting my brain talk for a minute. way too much information processing up there right now. i guess i'll step down from my soapbox.
>> feel free to add anything to this. it could very well be incomplete. <<
Now, it's different. The whole word itself. It has lost a lot of its sacredness. People go around, admitting they are in love, when they don't act like it.
To me, love is a very powerful word. I will not tell someone that i love them, unless i mean it 10000%. no matter what. There's no fooling around with people's hearts. That's just rude.
To me, love is:
-- caring more about him than yourself.
-- supporting him no matter what
-- cherishing every moment together
-- letting him put his priorities first
-- only speaking kind words about him and to him.
-- being willing to do anything for him
-- wanting, and doing everything you can to keep him happy
-- being his best friend, confidant, support, safe haven, & partner in crime :)
-- not wanting anyone else.
Saying 'i love you' to a person is kinda a big deal. it has been since.. forever. and i think that it should be treated like that.
it is not easy for me to tell a boy that i love them. it takes me a long time to tell them, mainly because when i fall, i fall FAST, and i don't wanna scare them.. but i have been in love twice in my life. i have been in more than two relationships. the other boys that i dated were great. i enjoyed being with them, they made me happy, i cared about them.
but there was a defining moment when i realized that i was in love. it wasn't that puppy love that kids experience in jr. high. i was in love. willing to do anything for the other person, super happy. cloud nine. serendipitous. head-over-heels. euphoric. whatever.
but sometimes, things happen. people grow apart, and they fall out of love.. which is sad. this has only happened once to me. but even though i am not dating the other guy that i fell in love with, i still care about him. i want him to be happy. i don't think i would feel like that if i hadn't once loved him.
but that's another story. for another time.
i found this quote. it really made me think. I really like it.
You say that you love rain,
but you open your umbrella when it rains.
You say that you love the sun,
but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.
You say that you love the wind,
but you close your windows when the wind blows.
This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too.
-William Shakespeare
so many people go off and tell someone that they love them. but they don't put in the time. and possibly don't even care that much. But maybe love means something different for me than it does for you.
stay classy
College vs. [my] Reality
Maybe it's just me.
But when people describe college, they always talk about parties, loads of friends, crazy stuff, right? right. but for me, that sounds nothing like college.
i hear of people going to parties, and making so many friends in college. honestly, i have about 5 friends in college. i only hang out with one on a regular basis. not to mention, she's also my roommate. and my cousin.
you may call me lame, but i thoroughly enjoy it. i love my life. i love my college experience. even though it is far more different than i first expected, i love it.
But when people describe college, they always talk about parties, loads of friends, crazy stuff, right? right. but for me, that sounds nothing like college.
Music, Dancing, Dressing up, Fun times |
you may call me lame, but i thoroughly enjoy it. i love my life. i love my college experience. even though it is far more different than i first expected, i love it.
Music, Dancing, Dressing up, Fun times |
Sometimes, expectations exceed reality. Even if it's in an unexpected way.
college life,
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